Council Report: 3 November 2018

The NSW Teachers Federation Council plays an important part in the democratic processes of the union.

Relief Officer Elections

Did you know that each year Federation elects a pool of Relief Officers who may be called upon to replace Federation Officers who are on leave or who may be on duty elsewhere? Relief Officers are drawn from two pools; one for TAFE/Corrective Services and the other to replace all other Professional Officers.

All financial members are eligible to nominate as a Relief Officer to be elected by Council. Prior to the conduct of the election all candidates are required to be interviewed by the Branch Professional Officers Committee. Candidates proceeding to election address Council for two minutes prior to the exhaustive preferential vote.

People interested in finding out more, or who may be interested in being considered for a Relief Officer position in the future, should attend the Potential Officers course run through Trade Union Training each year.

Elections for the 2019 Relief Officer pool were conducted at November Council.

State and Federal Elections

The forthcoming NSW and federal elections provide opportunities for Federation to pursue our policy priorities, including:

  • all public schools to be funded to 100 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard to ensure that all teachers are equipped with the necessary resources to meet student need with additional loadings for low SES, students with disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, language backgrounds other than English as well as remote and small schools
  • a growth in permanent positions, delivered as a staffing entitlement, filled by qualified teachers
  • investment in statewide system support for teaching and learning to replace failed “schools autonomy” policies
  • the provision of high-quality infrastructure in every community
  • repeal of unjust federal and state industrial laws that restrict the rights of all workers
  • industrial rights for teachers to pursue significant increases in salaries, without trade-offs, to reflect the value of teachers’ work
  • the abolition of the market model in vocational education and training
  • guaranteed government funding of at least 70 per cent for TAFE
  • the restoration of public provision of education in NSW correctional facilities
  • the recognition of teacher professional judgment through the restoration of teacher-driven pedagogy and assessment.
  • the protection of teaching qualifications and high teaching standards including initial teacher education entry requirements.

All members will be provided with background material alerting them to the essential elements of the campaigns.

— Nicole Calnan, Deputy Secretary (Communications and Administration)